Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Earth Day planning meeting of OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology

Please click on individual images to ENLARGE view of Jan. 22, 2012 Earth Day planning meeting.

 Donna and Kelly's report from earth-day month planning meeting Feb. 8, 2012.
Thanks to all who came to our first meeting of the minds for OMNI's 
Earth Day.  It was a wonderful eve with great food and ideas!  Here is a 
summary.  If I missed something please cc to everyone and remind us!
Made a decision to raise money and AWARENESS to help bring back the 
Ozark Chinquapin Chestnut tree. YEAH
Discussed details about 4 events that OMNI & OMNI UA will sponsor for 
Earth Days:
Public Talk on April 11th the Opening of the TREE SHRINE exhibit at the 
Global Campus off the square.
Michelle will ask Kim Jones at Global Campus to reserve the room for the 
talk.   6:30 pm?
Burnetta Hintertheur will do a power point presentation on OLD GROWTH TREES
Steve Chyrchel will do a talk about the Ozark Chinquapin Chestnut Trees 
and efforts to bring them back. BURNETTA..please CONFIRM with Steve
         a.) Burnetta will help get word out to Park Service Group, 
Master Gardeners, and her students for extra credit
         b.) Quinn will contact Sierra Club
         c.) Donna will contact Robin Buff to tell her biology students
         a.) Amy Wilson- Donates water and water bottles
         b.) Lauren- popcorn and snacks
         c.) Kelly & Donna - Music directors
         d.) Nature Walks with Burnetta and Joe Neal (2 pm)  Lauren will 
contact Joe Neal
         e.) Moss milkshakes and Stepping Stones for crafts.  Need 
doo-dahs for stones, tiles, marbles, etc. Work on Fairy Garden.
         f.) Donna- Will make large poster for ONF about event & bring 
dry erase board to event for schedule
OMNI UA's SPEAK FOR THE TREES EVENT- Saturday April 21st   Global Campus
Social Hour- 7:00-8:00  Concert 8:00-9:00ish   Silent Auction wrap up 
till 9:30
          a.) Michele- OMNI UA will try to get finger food donations 
from local businesses.  Coffee and Apple Juice?
                 Jody will check with Harps     Quinn will check with 
IGA     Ann Mesrobian will check OMNI inventory for napkins/cups/etc
          b.)  TICKET TAKERS for Concert- OMNI UA group.   $10 for 
Adults    Students and children under 12- $5.00
          c.)   Donna is making 50 paper shrine box templates for 
Artists,  Kelly and Donna will hang exhibit
          d.)  Budhi Kling and crewe will organize the silent auction 
event, take care of money exchanges.
          e.)  Michele will find out WHO to make the checks out to for 
the silent auction
          f.)  Donna will make bid sheets for the auction
          g.) Donna will make one poster for all 4 events.  Need folks 
to help put posters around town!!!!!!
          h.) Kelly will take care of promotion, KUAF, articles, PSA's
          i.)  Burnette and Steve will be the food host & hostess!!!  
Set up and tear down. Pick up coffee, etc.
              (Maybe Nan Yarnell can help with this? She is great!)
   PICTURE DAY IN THE PARK-  Earth Day  Sunday April 22nd   1-3 (or 4) pm
          1.)  Donna- contact Lisa Netherland about using the park on 
Earth Day for this event. Secure permit?  Electricity?
          2.)  Kirk Lanier-  Agreed to be the photographer and post pic 
on DROPBOX- need permission slips or a sign posted.
          3.)  Joanna Pollock-  Wants to create a TEA WITH TREE event.
          4.)  Quinn-Black Walnut Give Away Project (in wax paper bags 
with notice not to plant near garden!)
          5.) Other possible activities if anyone wants to take on 
include:  making wind chimes, teaching how to make junk mail paper
          6.) Quinn will talk to UU kids group about making picture 
frames with leaves to sell at event!
Jody will talk to the Botanical Gardens about their Earth Day plans. 
Maybe we can work together somehow?
Kelly- Send paragraph description to Mikel Lolly for the Passports
THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE ON WED. MARCH 28th 6:30 at the Ozark Ball 
Museum.  POTLUCK again?  That was awesome!
Donna and Kelly

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