PLEASE CLICK ON PHOTO TO SEE THE SPARROW on World Peace Wetland Prairie up close.
With global warming threatening 30-40 percent of wildlife species, Congress MUST pass an energy bill in 2007 to lay the groundwork for strong global warming legislation in 2008 and beyond.
Let your representative know: "Americans need an Energy Bill with..."
Protections for wildlife and public lands from oil and gas development.
A Renewable Electricity Standard of at least 15 percent by 2020.
A fuel economy standard of at least 35 mpg by 2020.
We believe a bill with these three things can pass in the House and Senate, making a terrific down payment on an upcoming global warming bill!
Speak up today and help get the energy bill to the finish line:
Thanks so much! Stay tuned to hear how the vote goes.
Kristin Johnson
Grassroots Mobilization Coordinator
National Wildlife Federation
Inspiring Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future.
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